Crazy Ant
Crazy Ants are found abundantly in Northwestern Pennsylvania, and Mosquito Assassin Pest control will help you Identify, Control and Eradicate them.
Workers are 1/16 to 1/8 inch long and monomorphic, the legs and antennae are very long and the body slim with dark coloration. Antennae have 12 segments, no club, and a 1-segment pedicel. The profile of the thorax is uneven, and the anal pore has a circle of hairs. This species does not have a stinger.
Crazy ants have small colonies (up to 2,000 members) and many queens, however large colonies may be found in warmer areas. Both dry or moist habitats are used, and colonies tend to be at the ground surface, under leaves, rocks, wood, or other objects. Colonies are prone to splitting, forming new colonies.
Crazy ants will occupy structural voids, especially around warmth (pipes, heat) but do not excavate wood or other building materials. They will forage indoors when their regular food supply of honeydew, insects, seeds, etc., becomes scarce. They are generalist feeders.